Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pass the Real Salt!

"Pass the REAL SALT!!!

Pass the salt and pepper please!

Natural, unprocessed organic sea salt contains 84 valuable nutrients and trace elements. The table salt you buy in the store has only 2 minerals (sodium and chloride); the other 82 have been removed in processing. ALL 82 of the removed minerals and trace elements are essential for good health. Sounds wild doesn't it?

And what about this? Regular table salt is coated with aluminum hydroxide so that it will not stick to your salt shaker. But this coating of aluminum hydroxide also makes it insoluble in your body.

Natural organic sea salt can be safely eaten in any amount because it is completely soluble in your body.

This is reason enough to ONLY use sea salt in your diet."

This article was taken from the Edmonton Sun March 22, 2000

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