Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas is the Season of Giving

John answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same." Luke 3: 11

hmmmm... well I have lots of clothes, lots of food, a place to live. I am so blessed and I have been feeling the urge to bless others as well. I think it is important for us all to have this feeling all year long, but like me you probably don't. Jesus' presence is so strong this time of year, even for those that don't believe in Him. The spirit of love, generosity and kindness can be seen everywhere.

If you are looking for ways to help others this year then please consider Samaritan's Purse: from what I hear 90% of your donation goes directly to help someone in need. I have heard from many people "I don't like to donate to those things because most of your money just goes in their pockets". I feel so sad when I hear this. Of course an organisation is going to need money to advertise, have a website, travel overseas, employee people who can do this full time... if they didn't have funding they wouldn't exist! And if they didn't exist then how are we supposed to help people overseas?

I am not saying that you can't help someone locally, please do! I just feel so ignorant as to how people live in other parts of the world... so ignorant of the turmoil that happens in places of conflict, 3rd world countries..... we are so comfortable living in the North American culture... we can't imagine living each day without knowing if you will be able to eat, have water to drink, be sold, work 20 hours a day... it's just something that's in the movies, not real life.

I hope that we can all sit and think about what really happens in the world everyday. There are many people that will not only not be getting gifts for Christmas, they also will not be waking up in a nice bed, a home, have food or water or family.

Jesus didn't build up an empire for Himself, He gave everything He had to others and more. Would you be willing to die on a cross for me?

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