Monday, August 31, 2009

Series: Look Great, Feel Great: Key Two

Key Two: Love Yourself, Love Your Body
This key seems obvious, and yet it is something that not many people put into practice. Love Yourself! In order to treat your body right, give it the things it needs, you need to actually care about it.
In today's world healthy is not necessarily the goal. Many people that we 'look up to' are super skinny, but do you think they are healthy?
It is unfortunate that it is so hard to feel good about ourselves. We have such a scewed view of beauty. We are constantly bombarded with images though all types of media. Beauty sells, and that is why all these companies only put the skinniest, prettiest girls in the ads. Not to mention all the editing and airbrushing that goes into the picture. I am sure most of us remember the Dove Evolution Commercial (If not you can see it here:

Even though these women that we see in the ads are artist's renditions, we still feel the need to look like them.

It is sad that we look to the world's artists for beauty. What about the greatest artist of all? The one who created the ultimate masterpiece: YOU!

(1 Corinthians 3:16) Do YOU not know that YOU people are God’s temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in YOU?

(1 Corinthians 6:19) What! Do YOU not know that the body of YOU people is [the] temple of the holy spirit within YOU, which YOU have from God? Also, YOU do not belong to yourselves

(1 Corinthians 6:16) And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: “I shall reside among them and walk among [them], and I shall be their God, and they will be my people
In the book it mentions this fact:
It was found that people who are underweight and unhealthy have the same risk of disease and life expectancy as those who are overweight and unhealthy. Futhermore those who were 10 pounds overweight (slightly overweight) but active & healthy had the same life expectancy as those who were average size and active.
So the key is activity! Which she promises to talk about later on in the book.
Joyce also told a story of a friend, she said her friend had been struggling for years and years with her weight. Then one day she came to Joyce and told her "I am going to focus on being healthy and giving my body what it needs, then I know that I will eventually be the weight that I am supposed to be". (Not exactly word for word)
If we could all realise and know what our bodies need. Good foods and exercise. If we could make those our goal, instead of weighing x amount of pounds... I think we'd be a lot happier.
Your body is a temple, treat it right. If we do, we'll be at our full potential and ready for God's Will.

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