Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wise Words to a Proud Heart

When pride comes, the comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11: 2

Wise words to a proud heart seem to be useless. Have you ever tried to give someone advice or words from the Bible and they find a way to immediately brush it off or turn it around? I am guilty of this. Are you?

Or has someone tried to give you advice and it has left you thinking, "what are they talking about!!". Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 10: 12 "Words from the mouth of a wise man are gracious, while the lips of a fool consume him." Not only do they consume the fool, but they only make you appear more foolish!!

The Bible - the truest, wisest words we know!

If we say that we believe in God & that we believe in the Bible but do not take His word seriously then what is the point of it all. What is the point of the Bible if we are not going to take every single word to heart. God gave us a road map and yet we prefer to live blindly. It frustrates me when I catch myself doing this, when I see friends doing it, or anyone who calls themselves a follower of Christ. You just want to shout WHY!! Why do pull ourselves away from God, ignore Him, pick and choose what we want to believe; doing this just causes pain to Him, ourselves and others! “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments,because this applies to every person.” Ecclesiastes 12:13

Pastor Mark Driscoll said in his sermon His Garden from the Peasant Princess Series: "If you walk away from God, you are capabale of anything, and that includes the most atrocious of evils. Some people look at Solomon and say "I can't believe he did that". Walk away from God and see what you do as a totally depraved sinner!"

We can't use the excuse that life is too hard. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. If we ignore this and go on living as we please after we have dedicated our lives to Jesus - we are crucifying Him all over again.

"Just because your life is hard, doesn't mean God isn't blessing you."
Life's Final Exam, is a really great Bible study that I found and I highly recommend it. It goes into depth about Solomon & our relationship to God's word. One question it asks is: Am I prepared for my future judgment? This is a question I have been asking myself daily for awhile now. I challenge you to ask yourself that question and if you can think of anything in your life that is sinful - ask God to give you the desire to change those things. Don't just try to remove them, because if you don't really desire the change, it will not truly happen.

Thank you Lord for the Bible. Thank you that you have blessed us with a tangible object from you. Reading it brings us closer to you Lord and living it - even closer. I pray that we won't pick and choose which words we will live by Lord. Please give us the courage and conviction to follow your loving path for us that you have laid for us. ~Amen

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