Monday, April 12, 2010

Acid - Alkaline Eating

It's really important that we take care of our bodies. I believe that many diseases can be avoided with proper eating & exercise. Not only that, but we need to drink lots of water, laugh everyday, and BREATHE.

I have always felt out of balance. I am often very tired and grumpy. I've never taken the time to actually think about WHY??

Acid & Alkaline

The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall HealthI don't want to label this a 'diet' because I don't think that is correct. It is a way to understand how food has an effect on our body, and hopefully it will help you to make changes towards better health!

Basically, there are foods that are acidic and there are foods that are alkaline. The goal is to balance your diet between these two opposites. Our blood needs to be around 7.3 pH to function properly. When our body doesn't function properly it will cause disease, stress, lack of energy, overall poor health.

From what I have read, if you are too acidic, you can't lose weight. Once you balance yourself out by eating less acidic food and more alkaline food, you will lose weight. Well, I am going to try it!

Find out more

You can go to your local drugstore or natural health food store, and get a pH strip. You can actually test your pH to see where you are at!

Genuine Health is a nutritional brand that you can find at a drug store or health store. They have lots of good information online & brochures at the stores (look under weight loss). They have one brochure right now that has a free pH strip!

Earthrise Spirulina Natural, 180 Grams PowderSpirulina: This is a super food that my friend and I have recently found out about! Read more here: and here: or ask a customer service representative at your health store about this product. This is a great way to help increase your alkaline intake. I have been taking it for a week and so far so good! I can't stand the taste so I mix it with juice, or just plug your nose until you drink it all. Some people might like the taste, you never know. They do have tablet forms as well, but I think that having the powder is better because your body doesn't have to break down the tablet first.

Do your own research online! Go to your favorite search engine and type in "acid alkaline eating". This will bring up lots of great information. I will let you know how everything goes in this new discovery!

Food Chart & information:

Alkaline Acid Diet:

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